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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My status

The world of social networking: It's bizzare. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I've reconnected with old schoolmates through Facebook that I would have otherwise never found. But the thing is that we still don't actually see each other. We navigate a virtual world as if it's real.

It's not.

Yesterday, I got sent a dish from a "potluck dinner" with all the appropriate "fixins'" to go alongside. It was hilarious, but -- dang it -- I didn't actually get to eat anything. And pigs-in-a-blanket just aren't the same unless you can smell and touch their greasy goodness.

A real potluck, of course, requires the preparation of real food by real people who come to your real house to have face-to-face real live conversation. Is it possible we will forget how to sit down and just talk to one another, even if it is across undercooked casseroles covered in cheese?

In the emerging neo-music industry, networking sites are now what we live and die by. The race is to build an audience, to get the word out and get people hooked on your music, I've been told. So here I am, updating MySpace, Facebook, Sonicbids, LinkedIn and, not to mention this blog. And Lord knows how many more dozens of networks I could be part of.

These sites -- strangely enough -- are now where my entire existence is laid out for all to review. My background, my next gigs, my newest music, my current musings.

And, as I've come to realize, my love life.

Yep, this is a blog entry about romance. To announce that --should you check Facebook -- you will find my "relationship status" no longer marked "single." I am taking the plunge. Taking myself off the (love) market. And posting it online for all to see.

Believe me, this cyber statement feels significant and has been followed by a significant amount of commenting both online and offline. But Nick is a wonderful and amazing guy, and I am one lucky gal, so as significant or insignificant as it may be, I'm happy to announce. (Soon the announcements in the NY Times will surely include changes in status on Facebook don't you think?)

P.S. You Facebook users out there, don't lie. I know the "profile" box is the first thing you look at.

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